Six Effective Ways to Make Your CV Stand Out

Your CV is the first contact the recruiter gets from you during your application process. As such, job seekers need to write a CV that stands out. The following points are highlighted below;

1. Don’t Include Irrelevant Personal Data: many job seekers make the mistake of including data that the employee does not need since it is cumbersome for recruiting managers to sieve through your CV. Therefore, unless it’s stated to retain specific data or a situation where you feel it will play to your advantage, your name, home, and email addresses are okay.

2. Make a Purposeful Personal Statement: most individuals just put a generic statement on their CV. No, you don’t do that when you want to stand out from the crowd. Instead, your information should sell yourself as the best solution for the problems an organisation is facing. Research the company, identify likely problems, values, vision statement and the existing culture, and align your personal information with these features of the organisation.

3. List out Relevant Experiences: Many applicants give out something very general when listing their experiences. Your experience should be job-specific and relevant to the job you are applying for and should be arranged chronologically. It’s very unnecessary to mention all the places you have worked except it is essential to the job you are applying for. Remember that you’ve got to arrange experiences according to the required dates, one after the other. For example, 2023-Date should come first, and the others can follow.

4. Talk About Your Achievements: Most systems’ roles have a KPI. Do well to state your achievement with your KPI. Using statistics to represent your achievements to show measurability because the employer wants to know what you have achieved in your current role and how you intend to help them. Don’t just copy generic duties and responsibilities of your position and paste them on your CV, be strategic. 

5. Show Relevant Courses/Training: every role and position have relevant training and courses the staff should engage in. For example, front liners should not be primarily concerned with executive classes but should be involved with marketing and sales skills. The CEO should be more concerned with top administrative and conceptual skills, while middle managers should be concerned with people skills. So you should consistently demonstrate in your CV that the training and courses are taken progressively with a growth and development mindset.

6. Let Your CV Be Free From Typographical Errors and Wrong Formatting: attention to detail is critical in any role. You must demonstrate this value by paying attention to more information in your use of English and spelling. Don’t just say, “Everyone makes mistakes; they will understand”, well they would have understood if you owned the company”. Always check your CV with free grammar-checking tools online and free yourself of this avoidable embarrassment. In addition, let your fonts and bullets be constant for leisurely reading and comprehension.

Lastly, if you need more time to get it done, are very busy, or require consultation, contact for a quality CV and guide to move you to the next stage. 


1 Comment

  1. Abled
    May 4, 2023

    Great write up

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